Friday, April 26, 2013

Earth Day

Part of Earth Week at our school was for each pod to do a hands on activity to learn about the environment. Our pod choose to weight how much food was wasted each day. More than half of our students are on free and reduced lunch and WASTE this food EVERY single day! So we decided to not tell the student what were doing and weight the amount of food is wasted along with the milk. The first day 64lbs of food was wasted and 28lbs of milk! THAT IS INSANE! The second day the number was more outrageous! Then we told the students what we were doing and then we talked about ways to reduce waste. The numbers went down- thankfully! This was an eye opener for myself as well as the students. We wanted to choose an activity that was relevant to students and that they could learn to make a conscience effort to change. 

Each pod at school needed to create a piece of clothing for our principal to wear either reducing, reusing, or recycling. Our pod had students bring in our t-shirts and then we sewed them together to make a dress for the principal.  

Here is the graph we created to show our findings and to hang in the hallway as a reminder. 


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