Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fairy Tales

After doing Fables we moved on to Fairy Tales. Fairy Tales is an easier idea for students to understand and have background knowledge in. Once again i taught this lesson the same way I taught the Fables Lesson. I would teach this whole class with all students on the back carpet and we would first discuss what we thought a Fairy Tale was and then create our anchor chart. After we created our anchor chart as a class I had students turn and talk and come up with examples of Fairy Tales. 

The anchor chart we created. Includes our definition, a make believe story written for children with magic and enchantment (we discussed the word enchantment as a group). 
Then we created just quick points to help us remember, includes royalty, wicked characters, nice characters who are mistreated, usually started with "once upon a time," includes magic, ends with a happily ever after, rewarded in the end for being good or kind and is a fictional story. 
The last part on the anchor chart is examples, Snow White, Cinderella  Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty. 

Brother's Grimm is the start of all fairy tales until Disney took those ideas and put a happy twist on them. I read from this book each day to talk about how each story makes it a fairy tale. My students got really excited reading the Brother's Grimm books and even started checking more out at the library :) 


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