Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Led Conferences

Tonight we had our fourth and fifth graders lead their conferences. My school is a next generation school and does things a little different but, in a good way! My students have red conference folders that they keep organized  This folder includes their reading goals, writing goals and math goals. Each quarter the students will create new goals for themselves or when they reach those goals they need to update them. Students also will add work that they are the most proud like daily 5 work, papers, math assessments etc. whatever they are personally proud of :) 
Then for conferences students are expected to introduce their parents to us, give a tour and walk their parents through their routine and everything in their folder. Of course parents still had questions for us but our parents LOVED seeing their child lead the conferences. As a teacher it was a great way to see exactly what the students have learned and know. The parents did a great job asking questions and really challenging students thinking. 

  Students fill out their writing, reading, and math goals that they set for themselves so they can continually challenge themselves throughout their learning! I LOVE this idea! 

I love the idea of student led conferences it truly shows the students independence and forces them to learn how to become independent along with setting reasonable learning goals for themselves. This is what the WAWM district uses so I did not create this. I would however do something similar in my classroom in the future! I just wanted to share the idea with everyone and give them an idea of what the goals sheet looks like :)


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