Thursday, April 11, 2013

Question Jar

Our class started our next inquiry unit which is the American Civil War. This is such a broad topic for students in 4th and 5th grade to understand as well as a lot of information to cover! When I first started teaching our civil war unit I was bombarded each and every day with tons of questions! I needed to find a way for my students to ask questions but for it not to take up all of our learning time either! So I told the students we would have a question jar. All of my students have post-its at their desk for taking notes when reading. I  said whenever they are reading and come across a question to write it down and put it in the question jar. Each day I will check the question jar at the end of the day. Then in the morning when we are doing our warm up I'll answer some of those burning questions. This is a great way to communicate with students as well as address any misconceptions and answers those questions! 

Here is our question jar. It is filled at least with 5 questions a day! 

Here is an idea of some of the questions students have. 
Some of the questions read....
"Why was it called the underground railroad?"
"How many soldiers did they lose by the end of the war?"
"Who started the Civil War?"

My students have some really great questions and I can tell they are VERY interested in the subject and eager to learn. Not all questions i can answer off the top of my head but, by answering them the next day it gives me time to look them up so I can give my students the correct information and find examples or clips to help explain! 

I love the question jar and this is for sure something I will always continue using throughout my teaching! :) My students then can ask questions without being afraid, they communicate with me any confusion and it helps me see what is peaking their interest! :) 


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