Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Onomatopoeia is "POPPING"

Teaching all those Language Arts terms can be so boring for students so i wanted to come up with a fun creative way to teach students :) The first thing I taught is Onomatopoeia. I created a big red popcorn looking container. Then i i created different size popcorn kernels. I taught this whole class at first and and talked about the definition of the word with students and then had students turn and talk and come up with examples. After we created the anchor chart and wrote the definitions i had students return to their seats. Each student was given 2 popcorn kernels. They needed to write one onomatopoeia word on each kernel. 

An example of a Kernel with one onomatopoeia word used on it :) 

The students really loved doing this lesson and as they read books throughout the week were quick to run up and show me that they found an onomatopoeia word :) So exciting when they love learning and can relate what we taught :)


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