Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Going Public with Epubhub

Our end of the quarter project for our animal inquiry unit was for students to understand and be able to compare and contrast two different animals. 

By far one of the coolest projects EVER! :) 

Students researched and studying different adaptions, habitats, environments, diets and so on. My students then studied two different animals and learned to compare and contrast the two animals. 
Here is our Animal Research Project rubric! Then you have an idea of what was required of the students and how they designed their books :) 

Then the students created rough drafts of their animals and did a pre-write. The pre-write was breaking up a rough draft into a book format. We studied non-fiction texts and features of non-fiction text so we could make a book just like a non-fiction book. Students made a table of contents, bolded words and even created a glossary

After the pre-write and having it checked by me then students typed of their pre-write in a word doc. When creating this in a word doc they typed it as if it was a book. For example page 1 is a table of contents, then page 2 might be diet. So the pages are divided up according to topic. Also the students included photos and images through their books. 

Then we brought in the technology integrator who then took the word document and saved it as a PDF and up loaded it on the

Here is the exact link of my students works! PLEASE check our our amazing books!!achieve-geiss-45-animal-epubs/cfh0


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