Friday, February 15, 2013

Daily 5

This idea is so new to me. I have never been at a school that using Daily 5 but, I’m quick to learn and really liking what I see!

In our classroom because, we do have older students we created a To-Do list for Daily 5. This is the BEST idea EVER! My concern with Daily 5 when I researched it and youtubed it is that it does give students a lot of freedom and a lot of choice! I love the idea of giving students choice because they are so much more willing to learn or do something. At the same time students could take advantage of that too and everyday do the same activity over and over again!

So in our classroom we have a To-Do list. Students can cross off each activity as they do them. They have to complete the To-Do list by the end of the week; this is a GREAT way to old students accountable and teach them time management.

I’m sure you’re thinking how do you really know if each student really completes the To-Do list or just crosses off each activity. Well for each activity students usually have some sort of writing to go along with it. Then at the end of the week they turn in a packet.

The To-Do list includes
4 RRJ- Reading Responses Journals
2 Journals
2 RWS- Read with someone and then after write up what you read together what you learned.
2 inquiry- this could be researching and taking notes and turning those notes in.
4 WW- Word Work- working on spelling words and spelling packets

Then when Friday comes at the end of the day students take all their work completed for their To-Do list and staple them together with their To-Do list sheet stapled to the front with everything crossed off.

I’m sure each school and classroom does something different for Daily 5 but, I love the way it works in our classroom and it teaches those skills being accountable for yourself and time management. 


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